Saturday, September 26, 2009


Come take a drive with me through some very thick fog.

Friday, September 25, 2009

lana kay rogers

This is (and always will be) my best friend Lana.

Happy Birthday Lans!

Thursday, September 24, 2009

school photos through the years - kendra and rory grow up before your very own eyeballs

I really hate sitting on blocks.
I wear a headband everyday.
1st grade.
2nd grade.
3rd grade...
I crafted that dress.
Also, I am Rapunzel.
4th grade.
I also sewed this dress.
I have braces and decide to color-coordinate with the seasons/holidays.
5th grade.
I wear overalls everyday. Literally.
6th grade.
7th grade.
still sporting the puka shells...
8th grade.
This is painful.
8th grade spring portraits.
What was the point of spring portraits? Scam.
9th grade.
I curled my night before into perfect ringlets....even though I have naturally curly hairs.
10th grade.
This was my quasi-chola phase.
Notice the heavy eye-makeup.
11th grade.
I learn what a hair straightener is.
I am very tan.
12th grade.
....I sort of look the same as I did 4 years ago.

Rory has a bowlcut and really stylin' clothes.
Rory has a bowl cut.
1st grade.
2nd grade.
Rory has a bowl cut.
3rd grade.
He loses teeth!!!!!!!!!!
4th grade.
Rory has a bowl cut.
5th grade.
Rory has a squinty left eyeball when forced to smile.
6th grade.
Rory has a bowl cut.
7th grade.
Rory has a squinty left eyeball when forced to smile.
8th grade.
Rory has a bowl cut.
Rory has a squinty left eyeball when forced to smile.
9th grade.
Rory has a bowl cut.
Rory has a squinty left eyeball when forced to smile.
10th grade.
ooooh, interesting hair do.
11th grade.
Italian Stallion!!!

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

latte art

I want to learn how to do latte art reaaaaaal bad.
So I watched these Youtube videos.
The perfect latte...according to Greg Suekoff
How to do a Heart!
How to do a Rosetta!
latte art rosetta by caffe d'bolla.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

the future of food

Are you angered that many food product labels do not specify if it's ingredients are biotechnically altered or engineered? Do you hate everything that Monsanto Corporation stands for? Do you strongly disagree that genetically modified foods will end world hunger? Does chemical-intensive large-scale agriculture bring you down?
If you have answered yes to any of the above questions then I highly recommend watching this documentary posted below. The Future of Food offers an in-depth investigation into the disturbing truth behind engineered foods that have quietly filled U.S. grocery store shelves for the past decade. It is both fascinating and outraging. Enjoy.

Monday, September 21, 2009

bye bye baby brudder

These two photos had fallen into the crack in between my bed and my wall in San Luis. We found them this weekend when we moved Rory into the Upham house.
This is us when we used to share our room together and we would play with our dinosaurs...
The leucadia house is not going to be the same without Aldo in it.
I already miss him...

Sunday, September 20, 2009

rory moves into upham

Here we are in good ole Clifford, driving up the California coast.
Clifford's dashboard, scope the little origami swans...
This is a banana.
Well, sort of.
This banana was found under Jeremy's bed last year when he was moving out of the dorms. The banana must have been under his bed for MONTHS but it is preserved quite nicely and smells like a sweet raisin. Also it is rock hard. hahaha

Little Red comes to SLO!
Jeremy hanging up some posters.
What a disaster!
Dillon also decorating the walls.
Check out their new couch! They got it for free off Craigslist. I'm really glad they decided to put a couch there just like we did...
Lots of stuff...
The dining room....
The living room...

Everyone helped moving stuff so it only took 30-40 minutes to unload the Sequoia and Clifford...
Justin and his friend (who continued driving to UCSC) rented a Uhaul together from San Diego to lug all of their stuff....
Little Red holding down the fort...
Who wears short-shorts?
Jeremy wears short-shorts!
Practically everyday hahahha!!!
Lots of surfboards...
Moving in....