Saturday, September 19, 2009

clifford loses his gas nozzle!

In Santa Barbara we decided to fill up more gasoline and I somehow lost the gas nozzle. I don't have a clue how it happened.... I have no recollection of opening up the metal door....or unscrewing the gas nozzle....or where I place the nozzle. And my memory of the whole gas station was so blurred that I was blaming Rory because I thought he was the one that lost it. hahahhahah whoooooops. It's like my brain stopped working for 3 minutes and those 3 minutes of my life were completely erased and I had no idea what had just occurred.
Rory had to turn Clifford around because the gas pump wouldn't reach. Look at all that junk piled in the back!!!!!!!!!
HAHHAH!!!!! Well we found the gas nozzle later in San Luis in the back of his truck bed. hahahha MY BAD.

1 comment:

  1. it's called "blacking out," kendra, we all do it from time to time
