Saturday, May 15, 2010

château de chenonceau

After our brunch we took a ride in the car to Chateau de Chenonceau. Isn't it strange that one can just get in a car and drive to a French castle. Bizarre.
The gazebo terrlis + hedge maze:
Hahha Nicolas!!!
labyrinths are sweet, but when your head is too high it's no fun:
the forest:
the gardens of the castle + little house
majoring scaffolding, heaaaa!
the servants quarters perchance?
one garden:
another garden + scaffolding:
the castle OVER the water, nuts!!!
so green.
Constance et moi:
very neat.
another angle:
The tile has been so worn away over the years!
a luxurious bed:
another sweet bed:
a bed fit for a king, literally:

Ooooh, this was my favorite, the butcher table:
and the kitchen!
check out all those brass pots/pans!
and cake molds!!! whaaaat!
Rory - that is you.
and this man too:

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