Sunday, May 16, 2010

constance's grandparent's horse ranch

Today we had lunch at Constance's grandparents house:
There is our little euro car:
This is their "backyard"
their kitchen:
the dining + living:
their horse ranch:
a unicorn without it's corn (khorrrrrn!):
this is where her Aunt lives:
This is what a French horse looks like:
There horse ranch, people come here to take lessons:
Oh, hey horsies:
Constance and HER horse:
Don't let this photo fool you. I am not having a good time. In fact, I am frigtened. Horses are such strange beasts, with their HUGE eyeballs and their HUGE veins and HUGE nostrils and their HUGE stature.
the barn:

more of the ranch:

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