Saturday, June 19, 2010

musee de l'orangerie

Today Greg and I went to Musee de l'Orangerie, with so many museums in Paris I think this one is my favorite thus far. 
You enter this oval shaped room with panoramic views of Monet's les nympheas, his famous water lilies. 

Seeing it in real life is really breath taking. 

So elegant and fluid.

Another great aspect to this museum is that they ask you to be very quiet in the oval space, view the paintings in silence, reflect and take it all in. 

Simply wonderful.
The murals are so much larger than I had originally anticipated.

Click here to view it virtually. 
The provide benches in the middle of the space.

This is the rest of the museum:
PSYCH! This is a miniature model:
Did I fool you?!
I like this:
This is really what the rest of the museum looks like:
Here are some paintings that strike my fancy:

Greg appreciating art:

This reminds me of this place in Prague:

The French sure do know their art museums.