Sunday, June 6, 2010


Tapas #1
Sangria + FREE pollo asada con patatas!
It was so yummy!
Tapas #2
Tinto de verano + croquettas + gambas
Tapas #3
Not a fan. Migas (meatballs sort of?) + blood sausage.
EW!!!! It brought back gross memories of the food I was forced to eat in Spain while studying abroad, let me show you below:
"Food" #1 = our Spanish Mama was a nurse that worked the graveyard shift, so she would prepare the food (at some unknown time) and then freeze it, and then defrost it the morning of so Mami and I could eat it for lunch. Most the time it was still frozen, other times we just had to nuke it in the microwave. Here is some beef stew? I think? and some somewhat mashed peas:
"Food" #2 = chicken + chickpea soup + bread
chicken - pan fried in olive oil
chikpea soup - had no taste whatsoever
bread - their pan sucks!
"Food" 3 = chicken + paprika rice + bread
chicken - heavily deep fried in olive oil, why does the chicken always look so sketchy?
rice - she killed everything with paprika, do this day my palette can't stand paprika.
"Food" #4 = barf soup + barf meat
barf soup - beans + olive oil + chorizo chunks
barf meat - there is more fat than beef and was probably marinated in olive oil for days
"Food" #5 = hamburger + potatoes in paprika rice + bread
hamburger - "because you are American! and you love hamburgers!" sure Mama.
paprika rica - oh getting fancy throwing in some potatoes I see....
"Food" #6 = shaddy chicken + bread + soup
this soup is a puree of vegetables, I think. Would it really kill her to give us FRESH VEGETABLES? She never ONCE served us a salad, or fresh veggies, not even a diced up tomato.
"Food" #7 = the ultimate barf
those are little meats + red peppers, "carmelized" in sugar + olive oil. This was a sweet dish, sweet barf.
the other thing is pasta, I think?
These are leftovers! Whatever we didn't eat she would put in little ramequins and we would nuke them in the microwave. Leftover days were my least favorite lunches in the world.
There is so much olive oil that it would turn into a gel, and yes I could hold the contents of the ramequins upside down and nothing would spill out. Bon apetit!
Specimen #1 = This is bolgna, with caramelized bell peppers! Mmmm! What have I done to deserve such a tasty lunch!!!!
Specimen #2 = Thanks for serving me brains for lunch!
Much appreciated!!!!!
To this day I have no idea (a) what animal this is nor (b) what part of the animal it is:

BARF BARF BARF. I'm convinced that Spaniards only know how to cook red meats, potatoes, make tapas (which are just snacks really), they don't know about vegetables or spices, and they can't serve anything unless it's been deep friend or drowning in olive oil. YUCK!!!!!!


  1. WORD! my spanish mama made me leeks canned black sliced olives drowned in mayonnaise... and I don't think I EVER had a piece of bread that wasn't a white stale roll. your brains pic is classic.

  2. Everything looks soooo great!!!! i want it all in my belly!!!

  3. katie - that sounds gross, I semi barfed in my mouth reading that comment

    and demetrio - you would like all of it hahaha
