Monday, June 7, 2010


Here is the forecast for Friday - Wednesday
Friday - Hot, Partly Cloudy
Saturday - Mild, Sunny with Rain
Sunday - Mild, Partly Cloudy
Monday - Nice, Sunny
Tuesday - Mild, Partly Cloudy
Wednesday - Muggy, Gloomy
Here is is a few days later, Sunday - Friday
Sunday - Muggy, Partly Cloudy
Monday - Minor Chill, Raining
Tuesday - Mild, Muggy
Wednesday - Sticky, Partly Cloudy
Thursday - Sticky, Partly Cloudy
Friday -Sunshine, Beautiful
Here is the forecast, ONE DAY LATER:
Monday - Chilly, Rainy
Tuesday - Chilly, Rainy
Wednesday - Muggy, Partly Cloudy
Thursday - Chilly, Rainy
Friday - Muggy, Partly Cloudy
Saturday - Overcast

Also, whatever the weather widget says doesn't actually correspond to the weather outside, and the weather outside changes more than the widget predictions. IT'S DRIVING ME INSANE. I like all types of weather, but I like it when it's consistently cold, consistently sunny, consistently raining, consistenting breezy. Not all in one day, or all in 10 minutes. No thanks.

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