Sunday, May 23, 2010

musee des arts decoratifs

Today Madison and I went to Musee des Arts Decoratifs
It's hard to tell from the photos but their presentation was incredible, all the jewelry was enclosed in glass cases and the dark room made it look as if it was suspended in the air.
Check out these ostrich earrings!
this is what the ceiling looks like:
this is what some snake skin boots look like:
KHORN! Rory this reminded me of you! the elephant butt outlet and the blue elephant chair!
how intricate is this peacock gate?
the museum, in the middle it's like a courtyard and all the collections are in the hallways:
Mad, scoping the beautiful view:

Chairs galore! I like how they are mounted on the wall:
really nice tea pots/kettles/cups:
French royalty rolls like this:
High matinence baby basket:
oooh, I wanted to touch everything:
and also take a nap in this pod shaped thingy:
or this luxurious bed:
Rory, that's you.
Art Nouveau furniture is the greatest. All the lines and shapes are so fluid and organic. I love it.
really intricate inlaid wood designs:
just look at the detail!!!
all of these pieces are so lovely:

Then onto modern chairs!
!!!!!!!!!!! (insert Kendra squeal here)
the different levels:
the view outside the little portal window, that is the roof of this building and the pyramid of the Louvre in the background:
uh what the hell? this is a fairy land that was in some random corner surrounded by chairs, I think someone forgot to move it or something.
I want these:
All of them:
and most of these too:
Modern furniture is intriguing:
can't get enough.
Oh I probably need this because my back is so spine-y like a dinosaur:
super suave television + built in record player. I will.
I know these photos are excessive but I love these chairs!!!
HAHA! this one rules!

the floors above:
Me really excited about the collection of chairs:
the views of outside:

Madison sat in this orb chair while we watched a short film:
look at the little French peoples!

beautiful day in the most beautiful city in the universe:

check out this coat hanger!

then on to the fashion section of the museum:
Madison is really into fashion, design and the history of the industry so it was nice having her knowledgeable thoughts on the collections here:

this is how I tie a bow on my head too:

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