Saturday, June 5, 2010


España! I visited Jessie this weekend! Let me recap a story for you:
I woke up at 6am and caught the metro at 6:30am and made a transfer to the RER at 7:00am and got to the CDG airport around 8am. My flight left at 9:30am so my head bobbled up and down as I tried to stay awake in the terminal seating. Finally we board, I sit down and I instantly fall asleep, I don't even remember taking off. My head flops the entire flight but I don't think I ever fell onto my fellow passanger, although I was really close many times. heaaa! I land, get off the flight, and go to the 'meeting point' which is at exit of the airport / entrance of the metro. Luckily I am familiar with this airport so I know EXACTLY where to go. After 20 minutes of walking (the Madrid airport is SO LONG) I am at the meeting point and I'm getting anxious/excited to see Jess. I wait. No Jess. I wait 15 minutes. No Jess. I wait 30 minutes. No Jess. I wait 45 minutes, no Jess and I have that gut feeling that something is wrong. I decide to turn on my cellphone but alas, it does not work in Spain. I decide to buy metro pass and wait for Jessie down on the platform but literally seconds before I do so some suave Spaniard comes up to me and explains that he is leaving Madrid and I can have this 10-trip metro pass. Score!!! I ask the information desk where a cabina is to call Jessie, but seconds before inserting coins into the payphone my cell phone beeps saying I have a voicemail. Double score! Jessie called to say that she overslept and now we will meet at the train station instead, so get on metro 8 to Nuevos Ministerios. Well alright, I hop on the metro, make it to the train station but - oh, no - there are multiple salidas and I don't know which one I'm supposed to take because she didn't tell me....I ask a stranger if I can use his phone to call my friend (I explain it will only be a minute, it's a Spanish cell number, yadda yadda). She tells me the exit to take, I say thanks to the friendly stranger and make my way. But shoot, I get to the exit and now there are multiple platforms. GAH!!!! I go up to a security guard and ask if a train is coming from Alcala de Henares which platform should I be waiting at? When will it be arriving? Should I buy a ticket pass to the platform or perhaps just wait here? He was really nice and thought my situation was hilarious. I decided to stick around and chat him up since I didn't know where to go. I told him how she overslept....then changed the meeting point...then forgot to tell me which exit...then I had to use a stranger's phone...and she also forgot to mention which platform to meet on.....and oh yeah, did I mention that she sprained her ankle last week and is on crutches?!?! hahahahah that's when he really lost it. Then he lent me his phone - but alas, Jess did not pick up, probably because she was going through a tunnel or something. So the security guard said, come with me I think I know what platform she should be he opened the gates (triple score!) and took me up several levels...and then I saw her. "KEN!!!!!!!" screamed Jessie, on crutches, going up an elevator. I don't think I will ever forget that image. HAHHAHAHH it was hilarious. I think her face below sums it up:
Here we are in Madrid eating some bocadillos + cerverza

Corte de helada. I analyzed this in my head before asking Jess, a cut of ice cream? What? It turns out that this is literally what it means, they have these rectangular tubs of ice cream and they cut you a slice. That sounds so unappetizing.
New cuts of ice cream, try them!
No gracias.

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