Sunday, June 6, 2010

casa natal de Cervantes

Here we are at the Casa Natal de Cervantes (the birth house of Cervantes)

Fun fact = Don Quijote de la Mancha is the second more translated book in the world (following the Bible). One time I was playing a trivia game with Lana and when asked, what book is in 9 out of 12 homes? Her answer was Harry Potter. No Lana, the Bible. hahahah
Hola Don Quijote!
Sancho Panza + Jess, Yo + Don Quijote. Profe Fagan would be proud!


  1. BAHAHAHA, really though...I'm sure Harry Potter is in just as many homes these days!

  2. true that baby girl! I just couldn't resist throwing an anecdote in there!

  3. Hi Kendra,
    My name is María José Domínguez, I am a graphic designer at in Magazine,
    which is LAN's official in-flight magazine, accompanying and entertaining
    passengers during their flights. Editorially, it revolves around the
    lifestyles of today's travelers and features the participation of
    outstanding contributors, designers and photographers. It is a monthly
    publication with a circulation of 80,000 copies, reaching an audience of
    more than 1,100,000 readers in domestic routes in Chile, Peru and
    Argentina, and international routes through the major South America
    cities, as well as those of North America, Europe and Oceania.

    I will like to use your photo of "casa de Cervantes" for the magazine. Can I use it? and I put your name on the credits?

    Looking forward to your answer,
    Kind Regards,
    María José Domínguez
    Diseñadora / Designer
    Revista In / In Magazine
    56-2-898 6827

  4. Hi Maria! Yes of course, use as many photos as you'd like. Thank you for contacting me, I look forward to seeing the article!
