Sunday, June 6, 2010

dar un paseo

We took a stroll down to the main plaza in Alcala de Henares.
They were having some craft fair so we checked it out, there are no people because it is (1) siesta and (2) sunday. Oh Spain.
Jess + rose bushes!
Baby girls.
Hola Don Quijote + Cervantes
so pretty!
Fun fact: Calle Mayor in Alcala is the longest and oldest pedestrian main street in Spain!
And Jessie used to live on it! Here is her old piso!
Some other plaza:
Me and a building:
Here we are:
Fact #1= I have long lanky arms
Fact #2 = my wingspan is longer than my height (yes, I've measured)
This is what Spaniards looks like when they dan el paseo (take a stroll)
Here is the main plaza:

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