Saturday, June 5, 2010

museo thyssen

Museo Thyssen-Bornemisza offers art from 13th century to 20th century. It's a fine museum and I don't know why it doesn't get as much hype as Museo del Prado or la Reina Sofia.
Rory, that's you.
some art:
some art + Jess, being such a trooper on euro crutches:
we loved these ones:
check out the details!
we also liked this one:
and these little guys:
mmmm stilllife:
nice colors
the inside of the museum:
holler, Paris!
I forget this artists' name but we used to have some images of hers hanging up in the Upham bathroom!
holller, Paris.
Rory, that's also you.
A portrait of George Washington's cook! RAD!
i like this.
this is alright.

This is one of my favorite Dali paintings. The title of the painting is: Dream caused by the Flight of a Bee around a Pomegranate a Second before Waking up. (heaaa!)
a nice sketch:

This reminded my of our friend Kyle Wilhelm's artwork:
I really like this one!
the modern art room:
the outside:

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