Sunday, January 31, 2010

crêpes chez Laetitia


I love this word.
chez moi = my place/home/apartment/dwelling/etc.
chez toi = your place
chez mes parents = my parents'
chez le coiffeur = the hair salon
chez le boucher = the butcher shop
chez vous = where you are from, your city/country of origin

It doesn't necessarily indicate a physical place...
courant chez les personnes jeunes = common amongst young people
beaucoup admiré chez les Américains = much admired by Americans
faites come chez vous = make yourself at home

and the perhaps the more well known use of the word for us Californians: chez Panisse. I want to go to there.

So, anyways, tonight I went to chez Laetitia to eat some dinner and crêpes. While Laetitia was busy in the kitchen I creepily took photos of her childhood photos. He he he he. this is Laetitia's fridge. I love it. It is covered with magnets, it's wonderful.
this is her kitchen clock, I also like it a whole bunch.
This is her funny friend Aline. Aline claims that she is a 'kitchen watcher' and not a kitchen cook. She is there for team support. She also has a great sense of style.


  1. pics are soo good. laetitia looks the same at 2 or 3 or whatever as she does now!

  2. yeah I know hahahah it's so fantastic, she is like Richard, the guy on LOST that never ages.

  3. Yeah, I'm magical.
    Justin, I went skiing the other day and pretend being 14 ( the child ticket was "under 15" and 7 euros less) and it worked without any question. The girl at the counter was probably my age ( the real one).
    Love my life.

  4. that story is classic. you should try every year and see how long it takes before they realize you are a lot older...
